Project management
redefined for
distributed teams
Peer-to-Peer Agile Project Management For Software Teams
Agile project management made simple.
Open-source. Peer-to-peer. Perfect for remote teams.
What's special about Acorn
Acorn is not your typical project management tool. Here are a few reasons why. 👇
Who's Involved in Developing Acorn
Acorn was envisioned and prototyped (using a third party platform) by the Holochain core development team in 2018 to organize their own planning and execution process.
In August 2019 Sprillow undertook a design process and began building Acorn on Holochain and continues to today. In June 2022 the first major release of Acorn (Alpha) was published and it's currently in an Alpha testing phase.
Lightningrod Labs is the container for the continuous development of Acorn alongside some other projects powered by Holochain.
Download the latest Acorn alpha release
Available as native desktop app for MacOS, Windows and Linux.
Download and install the latest version of Acorn's alpha release to get started.